
Global study finds one in five feel discriminated against because of their diabetes

Posted: 24 June 2013 | | No comments yet

Key results from the global Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs 2 study (DAWN2™)…

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Key results from the global Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs 2 study (DAWN2™) show that one in five people with diabetes feel discriminated against because of their condition, and support from the broader community is scarce.1 Results from the DAWN2™ study were presented today at the 73rd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA).2-9

DAWN2™ represents opinions from more than 15,000 people living with, or caring for people with diabetes in 17 countries across four continents. Discrimination is just one of a wide range of psychosocial indicators of diabetes care assessed in the DAWN2™ study.

Family members10 and healthcare professionals4,11, surveyed as part of DAWN2™, report similar beliefs. According to the study, one in five family members also believes that their loved ones with diabetes face discrimination.10 Among the diabetes healthcare professionals participating in the survey, one out of three were concerned about discrimination and said there was a “major need” for improvement in the acceptance of people with diabetes as equal members in society.4,11 Furthermore, the DAWN2™ study revealed that the experience of being discriminated against due to diabetes is associated with emotional distress.5

“Evidence suggests that even with the best modern therapies and care, the experience of discrimination can influence self-management, quality of life as well as clinical outcomes for people with chronic illnesses. The DAWN2™ study results highlight surprisingly high rates of perceived discrimination and allow for an in-depth understanding of the nature of this discrimination and the consequences it has for health and quality of life,” explains Professor Mark Peyrot, principal investigator and chair of the International Publication Planning Committee (IPPC) overseeing DAWN2™.

The DAWN2™ study found major variations between countries in perceived discrimination, ranging from approximately 11–28% for people with diabetes1 and

10–40% for family members,10 suggesting that there are viable pathways for improvement and that countries can look to others for models to follow.

“Through DAWN2™, people with diabetes and their families have been given a voice. In this day and age, no one should face discrimination because of diabetes and people with diabetes have the right to live full, active lives and have an equal role in society. We will use the results of DAWN2™ to educate decision-makers to make changes that are desperately needed to improve the quality of life for people with diabetes,” said Sir Michael Hirst, president of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).

Additional DAWN2™ study results released during ADA highlighted significant opportunities for improvement across countries in relation to care, education, psychosocial support and community support.2,6–9

Key results presented were (data adjusted according to age and gender to reflect the general diabetes population in each country):

  • 13.8% of people with diabetes had likely depression (ranging from approximately 8% in Mexico to 17% in the United States and 20% in Algeria).1
  • 44.6% of people with diabetes had high emotional distress related to diabetes (ranging from approximately 21% in the Netherlands and 22% in the United States to 65% in Algeria).1
  • Over one-third3 (35.3%) of family members reported a significant burden on the family related to diabetes (ranging from approximately 12% in Mexico and 25% in the United States to 60% in France).10
  • Only 48.8% of people with diabetes had ever attended a diabetes education programme/activity (ranging from approximately 23% in India to 74% in the United States and 83% in Canada).1
  • Only around 23% of family members had ever attended a diabetes education programme/activity3,8 (ranging from approximately 12% in The Russian Federation to 31% in the United States and 40% in Denmark).3

Three scientific articles were released on 23 June 2013 focusing on benchmarking countries on psychosocial indicators of diabetes care, as reported by people with diabetes, family members and healthcare professionals.

About DAWN2™

DAWN2™ is a global Novo Nordisk initiative conducted in collaboration with the IDF, the International Alliance of Patient Organisations (IAPO), the Steno Diabetes Center and a range of other national, regional and global partners.

The DAWN2™ results highlight opportunities for improving diabetes care, education and community support by putting people with diabetes and their families centre stage.

The DAWN2™ study will be used internationally and nationally to facilitate dialogue among patient organisations, healthcare professionals and other key stakeholders to develop action plans for improvement of the lives of people with diabetes. Further information is available at


  1. Antonio Nicolucci et al. Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs: second study (DAWN2™). Cross-national benchmarking of diabetes-related psychosocial outcomes. Diabet Med 2013: In press.
  2. Antonio Nicolucci et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Cross-country benchmarking of diabetes psychosocial outcomes for people with diabetes in the DAWN2™ study. ADA 2013 (A-4361).
  3. Katharina Kovacs Burns et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Cross-country psychosocial benchmarking indicators identified for family members living with persons with diabetes in the DAWN2™ study. ADA 2013 (A-4431)
  4. Richard IG Holt et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Cross-country comparisons on barriers and resources for optimal care: The healthcare provider perspective in the DAWN2™ study. ADA 2013 (A-4530).
  5. Mark Peyrot et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Correlates of psychosocial outcomes among people with diabetes in the DAWN2™ study. ADA 2013 (A-4570).
  6. Ingrid Willaing et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Exploring diabetes education and information: perspectives of family members of people with diabetes (DAWN2™ Study). ADA 2013 (A-2911).
  7. Johan Wens et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Correlates of psychosocial outcomes among family members of people with diabetes in the DAWN2™ study. ADA 2013 (A-4794).
  8. Sanjay Kalra et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Psychosocial support for people with diabetes by healthcare providers in the DAWN2™ study. ADA 2013 (A-4747).
  9. Heather Stuckey et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Qualitative insights into psychosocial needs and strategies of people with diabetes and family members in DAWN2™ study. ADA 2013 (A-4653).
  10. Katharina Kovacs Burns et al. The Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs second study (DAWN2™) cross-national benchmarking indicators for family members living with people with diabetes. Diabet Med 2013: In press.
  11. Richard Holt et al. on behalf of the DAWN2™ Study Group. Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs: second study (DAWN2™). Cross-national comparisons on barriers and resources for optimal care – healthcare professional perspective. Diabet Med 2013: In press.

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